Bristol Estate Artists Studios were launched in 2008. At the time, the project was the first in the country to locate a group of artists studios on local authority owned housing estate with control & management handed to the community assoc. The aim of the project was to create not just a sustainable income stream for the community but activities that deliver real benefit to residents. The purpose built start up studio spaces for artists, helped address problems in the buildings on the estate – former drying rooms - that were being abused and creating community safety problems
There are currently seven studios on the estate. six smaller studios are located below Cherry,Viscaria, Meadowsweet blocks and the largest studio at Damson .
Artists and makers across different disciplines are invited to apply for space. Studios are assigned on the basis of the artist's practice and importantly commitment to contribute to the community arts & culture programme.on the estate. Spaces are limited and availability is infrequent .It's advisable to put your name on the waiting list as shared spaces and short term sublets may also become available
Artists at different stages of their practice develop work at the studios. One of last year's joint Turner Prize winners, Helen Cammock had space here to develop her work.
Although studio spaces are limited, community opportunities are not. Artists located on the estate run a variety of free classes and workshops open to all ages and to anyone on the estate.
The new annual programme will be available from Sept 2020 , watch this space