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BELTA Admin team

Tree Planting on Bristol Estate - Have your say!

We are really excited to announce that residents of Bristol Estate can look forward to a series of tree planting over the next few years.

This has been a project that has been a while in the works, the pandemic, as always, has slowed it down. However, all good things come to those who wait, as they say, and BELTA would like to show some of the plans we have worked together to make

We want to give everyone a chance to voice their opinions, thoughts, and offer ways to get involved!

This project was funded through the CPRE Sussex Plant your Postcode project which is generously supported by the Rampion Fund at Sussex Community Foundation and the National Lottery Community Fund.

Planting will be done in two phases to best manage the project.

Phase 1 Fund, source and plant all the non-verge trees around the Community Building and adjacent green spaces. Download the plan here:

Phase 2 Fund, source and plant the verge along Bowring Way Download the plan here:

As you can see, we have a wonderful variety of trees, chosen for their aesthetics throughout the year, their unique shapes, and suitability for the area. Wind and soil being some of the main factors of consideration.

For those who dislike verge parking (me included) it will help to provide a deterrent in an elegant fashion. Whilst also drastically improving the appearance of the area.

Brighton and Hove City Council Housing Department has given the project their go ahead and Councillor Gill Williams has offered her support. The Arboriculture Department has visited the site and the plans have been finalised.

How can you get involved and have your say?

You can send me or the trustees an email at or, leave a message below, or leave a message on the BELTA Facebook page. For those who are offline we will be hosting a panel at the Nature Day Event in September. I will be there and would love to talk with you all! BELTA TRUSTEE/RESIDENT Ben

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