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Energyworks Energy Advice & Grants

BELTA Admin team

Energyworks is a partnership project between Citizens Advice Brighton & Hove and Brighton & Hove Energy Services Coop (BHESCo). They provide a free and impartial advice service to Brighton and Hove residents experiencing fuel poverty.

They can help with understanding energy bills, making sure clients aren't paying more than they should for energy, and negotiating with suppliers. They can help reduce energy use, and make homes warmer and more energy-efficient. They can make sure clients receive all the financial support they're eligible for and provide advice on other energy-related issues.

They also offer home visits from our partner BHESCo, to show people how to use their heating and energy system, assess energy cost and use, and install small energy-saving measures where people would struggle to do that themselves.

Energy grants for winter

We are pleased to say that our Energyworks project has been supplemented with additional funds from Brighton & Hove Council until March 2024. This will allow them to pay a grant to clients in fuel poverty of up to £200 per household, to help towards energy bills, whether the client pays by prepayment meter top-up or by direct debit.

Benefits and debt advice

In addition, the council has funded some limited money advice for Energyworks clients, so where we identify clients who need further support with benefits claims or debt advice, they will be able to offer a holistic service. As the number of clients we are able to advise is limited, if a client is getting help elsewhere with money advice we will not duplicate that work and we will operate a triage of these clients.

Accessing Energyworks

To access energy advice and grants, clients can call Engeryworks on 0333 090 9150, Mon-Fri, 10-4. They can also be contacted by email:, or clients can fill out an enquiry on our website:

Energyworks will also be running a drop-in Energy Advice clinic every Thursday afternoon from 1.15 - 4.00pm, starting on 7/9/23. This will be at: Citizens Advice Brighton & Hove, First Floor, Tisbury Road, Hove.

They can provide language interpreters where required, including BSL interpreters.

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