We're very pleased to announce a new partnership with Sussex Surplus

From November 2020, following the second lockdown last year, Feedback rented space at Bristol Estate Community Hub. The community hub was closed due to Covid restrictions and the fixed term tenancy provided regular rental income to Bristol Estate residents association during this time. For 5 months, Feedback, BH Food Partnership & FareShare Sussex, used the kitchen collectively from Tuesdays to Fridays.
Throughout this time, Feedback has run an outreach kitchen every Thursday which has fed around 100 people each week, including local families, community organisations across the city and our wonderful paramedics. All meals have been produced from surplus ingredients provided by Fareshare and local farms.
Last week, Bristol Estate Leaseholders & Tenants Association (BELTA) team discussed and unanimously approved a paper submitted by Feedback proposing a formal tenancy and partnership work with BELTA. We believe this partnership will have a really positive impact on Bristol Estate residents and those in the surrounding community and we're excited about working with them.
INCOME: Sussex Surplus will continue to rent space at the community hub on Tues & Weds daytime. The part time tenancy provides regular income to the Bristol Estate community which can be used to support community estate developments and improvements, resident run groups and other activities and events that benefit the community. Feedback, works with local farms and the Gleaning Network and will use the space on these days to prevent food waste by creating long life products from seasonal surplus crops, they As a result, the weekday community cafe at Bristol Estate community hub can offer tasty nutritious food, farmed locally.
THURSDAY COMMUNITY CAFE: The Thursday Community Outreach project will transform into an open in person cafe. With paid local interns at the heart of the project, the Thursday Cafe also aims to provide a daytime workshop and evening event for residents.
CREATE PAID OPPORTUNITIES: Feedback will continue to create employment for local young people who face barriers to employment, such as those without formal qualification and neurodiversity. So far, Feedback/Sussex Surplus have recruited 3 interns paid at the real living wage who completed 4 month placements, further funding to offer these young people more work is being secured. Funding is secured to hire 2 more young people in June on 6 monthcontracts. These roles are geared towards training in catering and community
development and are paid at the Real Living Wage.
Sussex Surplus will work with all residents to ensure the venue remains accessible and useful and provides a varied and valued resource to the community.
Funding has been secured to place a Jora Composter on the community allotment, which will convert kitchen waste from the hub into compost. Feedback will support all resident groups working on the community allotment in any way that would be welcome to them.
A further resident consultation is planned to develop a new community food project. Watch this space
Project Lead, has worked for Feedback for 4 years and lived in Brighton for 5 years. His background is in organic farming and he also works for Ashurst Organics, a local farm in Plumpton that supplies veg boxes across the city. Outside of work Phil is involved with Brighton Table Tennis Club and Brighton Quakers, and plays football at Manor Gym.
Ingrid: Head Chef, has lived and cooked in East Brighton for 10 years. With a background in outreach work and surplus cooking, Ingrid is passionate about creating sustainable community projects that empower, and bring positive change and engagement.