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Apple resident Ben, shares exciting news about Bristol Estate

BELTA Admin team

Over the last few weeks, I have been working towards a proposal to improve some of the green areas on the Estate. After consulting with residents at Peach and Apple blocks; collecting data, evidence, and supporting data, my proposal to create a communal garden area by installing some tall fences around an unused green area behind the blocks has been submitted to Brighton and Hove City Council for consideration at the next voting point coming up.

I believe having a green space, even a small area, is beneficial to one’s health. It has a wonderful impact on the way Bristol Estate looks aesthetically; flowers, gardens, all that good stuff. Shows a level of pride in the community.

As part of the bid, I had to prove how it would benefit the community. So I did some academic reading on the positive impact of having access to green spaces, spoke to neighbourhood watch, and posted several flyers to residents explaining my idea and showed them a copy of my draft proposal. Read Ben's proposal here

Everyone I spoke to was really on-board with the idea and reacted positively to my plans. It was fantastic to speak to lots of individuals and I hope it will spark more residents to look at the areas around their home and suggest proposals for their homes as well!

These can be smaller things, such as plants, small fences, gardening supplies, tools, to larger projects, such as construction, buildings, improved facilities, better access to services within the community. Whatever you can think of that will improve the quality of life for yourself and the community!

For those who are unaware, Brighton and Hove host the Estate Improvement Bid. This allows BELTA and groups of residents to apply for money for improvement projects that benefit multiple residents. There are two types of EDB bids:

  • Quick bids for smaller projects up to the value of £1,000

  • Main bids for bigger projects up to the value of £10,000

I’d urge anyone who has an idea about an improvement that can be made to improve the estate to speak up. Even if you’re not sure of the means how - get in touch and we can flesh out the idea with you.

The council have since asked if my proposal could be used as an exemplar on their website for other people looking to make a bid. I am deeply humbled by this and hope it will help residents put together their own proposals in the future.

If anyone has an idea about an improvement project they would like to see done and wants some help putting together a bid, please get in touch with us at BELTA.

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