Join us this Saturday 26 June at the BELTA Annual General Meeting 2021.

Our Annual Genera Meeting will be held online this year due to extended Covid restrictions. All community organisations have faced similar challenges organising public meetings over the past 16 months however the good news is AGM's throughout East Brighton have taken place online successfully. Our event is facilitated by Trust for Developing Communities, Brighton.
Date: Sat 26 June
Time : 12 noon - 1.30pm
How do I participate online?
It's easy - just click the link below
TDC Brighton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting on behalf of Bristol Estate Leaseholders and Tenants Association's Annual General Meeting Saturday 26th June at 12 Noon - 1.30pm
Join Zoom Meeting - click this link
Meeting ID: 893 7949 6279
Welcome and Apologies
Overview of the year
Treasurer - Financial Overview
Election of Trustees
Q & A
You can view more information at