A round up of Brighton & Hove Community Support Groups
Self isolating? Have a look below at some free activities to take part in online.
Brighton & Hove Community Support Groups
BHCC Community Hub Helpline
The centralised B&H support point for all services including food bank referrals, benefits, shopping, prescriptions, housing, energy advice, health, wellbeing and befriending services. The Community Hub is operating Monday to Friday 10am to 4.30pm. If you need urgent support outside of these times please call the Community Hub helpline on 01273 293 117. Your call will be directed to the Adult Social Care out of hours service, who may be able to offer advice or support which cannot wait until the next working day.
Go to:
If you can’t get online, you can call: 01273 293117
Adult Social Care
If you feel you need support with your own or someone else’s care, due to illness, disability, or age, Access Point is the main point of contact for Adult Social Care.
Tel: 01273 29 55 55
One to one support services
Individuals over 50 or those with a limiting condition can access information, advice and direct support such as weekly telephone befriending, food or activity packs delivered or support to attend existing activity and groups through
07770 061072
However, if you have safeguarding concerns about an individual's welfare you can report this directly to: 01273 29 55 55
Younger people who may benefit from befriending can go direct to:
Migrant ESOL support Hub
Recent immigrants/ refugees can access support from the migrant ESOL support worker 07367 360 134
The Inclusive Communities Partnership
Trust for Developing Communities leads an engagement partnership of 11 organisations that work together at city and neighbourhood level to increase inclusion and diversity in community action:
Some of these have their own helplines:
– - help & advice for disabled communities
– - help & advice for families of children with special needs
- - help & advice for carers
- - help & advice for adults with learning disabilities
– - help & advice for LGBTQI communities
COURSERA TOGETHER From language to wellbeing courses. Coursera has a variety of interesting, fun online courses available
FUTURELEARN I s coronavirus affecting your education or work? Explore online courses to continue studying, build professional skills, and connect with experts.
THE SKIILLS TOOLKIT The Skills Toolkit is made up of free online courses, tools and resources
ACCESS ART -Free, fun participatory art projects for all ages
ISOLATION ART SCHOOL- Use Instagram? Fantastic site for wide range of art activities
SCHOOLING AT HOME University College London (UCL) has complied resources helpful for parents/carers and young people
Scholastic has created a free learn-from-home site with 20+ days of learning and activities.
BBC Learning
This site is old and no longer updated and yet there's so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.
Activities with Celebrities
9am - PE with Joe Wicks
10am - Maths with Carol Vorderman
11am - English with David Walliams
12pm - Lunch with Jamie Oliver
1pm - Music with Myleene Klass
1.30pm - Dance with Darcey Bussel
Audible have made hundreds of titles completely free to help during coronavirus crisis.
VR Museum Tours
Google Arts & Culture teamed up with over 2500 museums and galleries around the world to bring anyone and everyone virtual tours and online exhibits of some of the most famous museums around the world
The Artful Parent
Good, free art activities
Red Ted Art
Easy arts and crafts for little ones
The Imagination Tree
Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest.
Creative Bug
Creativebug offers online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques. Learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screen print, and more.
Dave the Dog Is Worried About Coronavirus
(FREE Education Book)
A book for children about coronavirus that aims to give information without fear